
Schedule of the project

The overall organisation of the project is divided into three partially overlapping phases:

  1. in the pilot phase (WPs 1, 2, 3 and 4, months 1-24), the basic prerequisites for the
    project’s work will be established in the form of a pilot corpus, a first cycle of
    segmentation for both approaches, and a first version of the segmentation guidelines;
  2. in the development phase (WPs 5, 6, 7 and 8, months 19-42), further segmentation cycles performed, resulting in the final version of the guidelines and a specification of the segmentation workflow including (semi-)automatic methods, when it is possible annotations will be performed on an extended corpus called test corpus;
  3. the dissemination phase (WPs 9 and 10, months 31-46) will serve to distribute the
    project’s main results – segmentation guidelines and segmented corpus data – to a
    wider audience.

The individual work packages are :

WP1: Pilot test corpus
WP2: First segmentation phase
WP3: Annotation experiments
WP4: First version of the guidelines
WP5: Extended test corpus
WP6: Iterative validation process
WP7: Guideline Development
WP8: Development of (semi-)automatic segmentation methods
WP9: Online version of the guidelines with tutorial
WP10: Dissemination of data

WS1,WS2,WS3 : 3 workshops